Environmental Review of HUD Funded Projects
Client: City of Panama City, Florida
Metric holds an ongoing contract to conduct environmental assessments and tiered environmental reviews for the City of Panama City. Following the assessments and reviews, Metric prepares the appropriate NEPA documentation to satisfy HUD’s requirements under the Environmental Review Procedures’ 24 CFR Part 58. This process allows the release of Federal recovery funds under the HUD Community Development Block Grant program. Projects within this contract involve improving critical infrastructure such as: water/drainage lines and installing flood sensors on lift stations throughout the city, streetscape improvements, and repairs to storm-damaged businesses that will help revitalize commercial areas.
Under its first Task Work Order, Metric provided documentation for 35 houses in Panama City that were purchased under the Buyback Program because of repeated flooding. This requires inspections of each house and the completion of an environmental assessment. The parcels will be converted to greenspace for flood control and recreation and will end a repeating cycle of residential flooding and recovery in these particularly flood-prone areas.

Project Features
CDBG-DR Funded Projects
CDBG-MIT Funded Projects
CDBG-CV Funded Projects
Environmental Reviews
Development of Environment Review Records
NEPA Compliance